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Auditing Services

Auditing Fundamental Objectives

The main objective of auditing and reviewing the financial statements is to provide a technical unbiased opinion on the integrity and validity of the financial statements and to define the extent to which it reflects the financial status of the company and its business outcomes, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.

 Work Process:

• In order to perform the auditing process effectively, we work on taking a full understanding of work’s aspects, and then we do our utmost to reach a full understanding of the approach of the senior management of the company and identify its goals, on the short and long terms, which was set by the company's management, in addition to, our full understanding of the accounting and information systems.

• At the beginning, we examine all financial statements prepared by the company which will enable us to identify important auditing areas and thus save testing time on many of the minor transactions, while we direct our attention to areas that require further focusing.

• Then, we conduct a detailed description based on priorities of the accounting systems and other systems of data preparation and documentation of the company, which will enhance our accurate and effective auditing process. Also, in this regard, our work will involve the study of basic accounting data starting from data registration until final preparation and copying of financial statements.

• We commit to the Egyptian Auditing Standards while maintain the confidentiality of information by virtue of our work as certified auditors.

 • We supervise, assess and follow up all the company’s accounting systems.

• In addition to develop regulations and design effective plans for auditing including the time required for the periodic review and the timely dates for issuance of financial statements and our reporting time dates, while we proceed with our communication through meeting the officials of your company and work side by side during the development of regulations and plans of accounting and auditing systems, including the problem solving during the implementation of these systems.

• Our approach in auditing process can be summed up in setting and regulating the right accounting and control systems to extract accurate financial statements and design effective and appropriate programs to detect deficiencies in the applied systems with shedding light on how to correct these deficiencies.

• Finally, we issue the reports that reflect our auditors’ prospective of the financial statements of the company at the end of the completion of the auditing process.

• In our opinion, the issuance of reports and financial statements is not the end of our work relationship, we work hard to keep the continuity and effectiveness of our work relationship in all future company business and activities, and in order to achieve this, we remain fully prepared to provide assistance and advice to the company's management in all areas that fall within the jurisdiction of our office.

• Our reporting will continue through the year, reflecting the results of auditing and the limited testing carried out by our auditors to provide our recommendations and comments. In general, these periodic reports will be of great benefit to your company as it will contribute to:

• Improve internal control systems and accounting procedures of the company which will increase the degree of reliability of accounting records and financial statements.

• Contribute to procedure improvement and system objectivity aiming at protecting company assets.

• Indicate areas which are incompatible with the set internal control systems then recommend the necessary corrective actions.